One of the advantages of having Google Wavenet Text to Speech is that it offers more than 220 voices across 40+ languages. The benefit of our platform is that you can start creating and synthesize the text to audio without doing any further configuration that might be required when using cloud technologies such as Google Wavenet. Our Text to Speech software offers the capacity of choosing among those 4 cloud providers so that you can find the voice that best fits you. The difference will rely on the user interface or additional features that each software will offer. Splits texts into sentences to prevent the 5000 character limit as well as reducing Google API usage.Most of the Text to Speech software that you can find online are based on the technologies of Amazon Polly, Microsoft Azure and of course Google Wavenet from the Cloud Platform.

Shortcuts to start speaking ( Cmd+Shift+S on macOS and Ctrl+Shift+S on all other platforms & modfiable through the following URL: chrome://extensions/shortcuts).SSML support for text under 5000 characters.Support for all Google WaveNet, Neural2, News, Studio voices and languages.Note: Although WaveNet for Chrome is a free extension and Google Cloud's text-to-speech services offer the first 1 million characters free of charge, the regular pricing is $16.00USD per 1 million characters. Right click on highlighted text and click "Read this by WaveNet for Chrome".Paste the API Key in the extension's popup menu.Generate an API Key using Google Cloud's Console.Download the chrome extension in the Chrome store.A wrapper for Google Cloud’s text-to-speech services that transforms highlighted text into high-quality natural sounding audio.